My sister

This post is dedicated to my sister, Marcela, who is fighting the fight of her life.  Marcela was born with Down's Syndrome and has overcome many of the developmental challenges that come with it.  But at only 15 years old, my sister has been diagnosed with leukemia.  I was intensely devastated by the news, her being so far away and me not being able to be there with her through this fight. 

{Este post esta dedicado a mi hermana, Marcela, quien esta enfrentando la batalla mas dura de su corta vida.  Marcela nacio con Sindrome de Down y a traves de los años ha vencido muchos obstaculos relacionados con este diagnostico.  Pero con tan solo 15 años, Marcela ha sido diagnosticada con leucemia.  Estas noticias fueron devastadoras, ya que yo estoy tan lejos y no puedo estar con ella fisicamente en la batalla que viene.}
It has been a very emotional time for me and I am usually a very private and strong person.  But this news really touched my heart and though I debated whether to post something so intensely personal I decided that she is a survivor and she is living proof that a diagnosis does not make you who you are.  Who is she? She is a loving, kind sister, a beloved daughter, and an energetic aunt. 

{Estos dias han estado llenos de emociones.  Yo soy usualmente una persona privada y fuerte, hecha asi por las cosas de la vida.  Pero estas noticias realmente me llegaron al corazon y aunque no estaba segura de si podria escribir este post tan intensamente personal, decidi que mi hermana es una prueba viviente de que un diagnostico no determina quien eres.  Quien es Marcela? Es una hermana amorosa y linda, una hija amada y una tia energetica.  Ella es mi hermana, Marcela}
I created this layout with her sweet and soft nature in mind.  She looks so pretty in this picture.  I used papers from GCD studios, Ella Blue, and Prima Symphony flowers.  

The chipboard piece is from Dusty Attic, inked with acrylic Folk Art paint in Asphaltum and vintage white.

Flocked chipboard alphas from Anna Griffin's Flora collection. 



  1. Such a sweet layout you made of your sister. I am so sorry for the news you got. My prayers are with you. I am sending you a private message over at

  2. It's a beautifully sweet page! I will keep you and your sister in my thoughts and prayers.


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